Quest Giver: Shalowain (Laurion Inn, Roams) ![]() Requirements: Level 110 Rewards
Chest Loot |
Task Steps: |
Re: Final Fugue By: Wildwill On: June 22, 2024, 10:44:52 PM
In this video, we will talk about the basic mechanics of Hero of Pal'Lomen (Final Fugue)
So that you know, this mission will likely change some like missions typically do early on expansion release. I will make updates as changes happen. So for tracking purposes let's call this Version 1.
The event will start by talking to Shalowain. In this phase, 4 mobs need to be killed. 2 that will show up on extended target and 2 that do not. The group will want to kill the 2 casters (not on extended target); /xtar hex and /xtar warlock first. Once dead kill the other 2 and then the group will be ported to next area.
In this area, 2 boars will attack then the boar trainer (boars first) /xtar boars then /xtar boar trainer. Once those dead /xtar War Wraith will attack the group. After this, the group of NPCs will start running, have your group follow
There will be 3 mobs that attack, kill them then follow the NPCs again as they move to the next area
In the final area, you will fight 4 minis (currently their mechanics don't do much you can just ignore them and DPS really. After they die the final boss will activate
Captain Kar the Unmoveable will attack you, % health base he will wear a shield and will not take damage anymore. To remove the shield your group must have a caster to stun him (with a mana cost of 10 or greater), use a stun class. If your group lacks this you will not be able to complete the mission. Continue to DPS him and stun him when his health locks till he is dead.
Hope folks find this useful. Happy farming.
Re: Final Fugue By: Tucoh On: December 09, 2023, 08:59:47 PM
Video of event with the Plucked achievement.
Final Fugue By: Riou On: October 28, 2023, 12:44:04 AM
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