Difficulty: Level 125 Outdoor: Yes Locked: No Trash Level: Level 123-125 Named Level: Level 129 Connected Zones: Laurion Inn |
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In a mystical forest, an Eldarr village named Pal`Lomen stands as a sanctuary within nature's embrace. Glowing Laurion Trees, ancient and enchanting, cast an ethereal light. The village's thorned defenses, interwoven with ferns and moss, shelter its people. A harmonious coexistence with the land thrives. Yet, the tranquility is shattered by the relentless Rallosian invaders. Shalowain, a bard longing to be a great hero, returns home to face a moment of reckoning. As the Laurion Trees hum their music, this small village confronts its darkest hour.

Pal'Lomen Zone Overview By: Riou On: October 07, 2023, 01:41:58 AM
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